Dual Lanes Tenpin League Coordinator
Gary Dutrow bowling in the Terry Bloom Memorial Mixed Tenpin League rolled games of 269, 299 & 243 for his career high set of 811. For his effort, Gary will receive a plaque and $100.00 from Dual Lanes…$25.00 for the 299 game, $50.00 for the 800 set & $25.00 for bowling 150 pins over his 210 average for set. He will also receive recognition from the Franklin County Bowling Association and the United States Bowling Congress.
Duane Schroyer bowling in the Wacky Rollers Mixed Tenpin League rolled his career high game of 289, which included 10 consecutive strikes, between games of 215 & 277 for his career high set of 781. For his effort, Duane will receive two $25.00 Dual Lanes House Awards…one for bowling a set 775-799 & one for bowling 150 pins over his 195 average for set.
Chrissy Fox bowling in the Terry Bloom Memorial Mixed Tenpin League rolled games of 219, 230 & 226 for her career high set of 675. For her effort, Chrissy will receive two $25.00 Dual Lanes House Awards…one for bowling a set 675-699 and one for bowling 150 pins over her 170 average for set.